You may listen, view, and read at our Reading Room
The Mother Church Sunday Service and
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
There are weekly podcasts of the Sunday church service and Wednesday testimony meetings from The Mother Church. Listen live on Sundays at 7 AM Pacific Time or hear a replay until 9 PM Pacific Time Saturday night. Each service is one hour long, however, you may listen to an organ prelude that begins about 10 minutes prior to the service and a postlude ending about 7 minutes after the service. Listen to the audio recording of the services anytime from one hour after the service ends until about the fifth day after the service. To listen to the latest podcast, click here.
Online Publications
Sentinel Watch
Sentinel Watch recordings are audio articles on a very wide variety of subjects each averaging about 30 minutes in length. Since Sentinel Watch audio articles have been produced every week for 6 years, there are many from which to choose. To listen: click here.
Daily Lift
The Christian Science Daily Lift is a 3-minute inspirational healing talk. The subjects of the Daily Lifts talks vary. To see a listing of the talks and listen to them, click here.
“TeenConnect” is a weekly article on current topics confronting teens, written by and for teenagers. TeenConnect is available in audio and written formats. To go to the TeenConnect page, click here.
For Children
Just for Kids
Just for kids is a video collection of kid-friendly Bible stories, inspiration, and healings told in song or poem and illustrated by and for kids. To go to Just for kids, click here.
Young children’s audio, video, and resources
Young children are offered songs for each Beatitude, 11 Bible story videos, and about a dozen videos covering a range of subjects. There is also a Christian Science Sentinel article posted for young children. To see and listen to these features, click here.
Pre-teens’ audio, video, and resources
There are videos appropriate for pre-teens that cover the Beatitudes, The Lord’s Prayer, various Bible stories, and 10 miscellaneous videos that may be viewed by clicking here.
Teens’ audio, video, and resources
The link in this paragraph also links to TeenConnect content but has much more! There are audios, videos, and music for teenagers. Subjects are Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, Christ Jesus, The Lord’s Prayer, 60 (!!!) videos pertaining to the books of the Bible, and instruction on how to use the Concord research tool. Just click here.
Young adults’ audio, video, and resources
The are over 60 Sentinel and Journal articles that can be read and/or listened to plus the videos and audio podcasts relating to the teens’ resources above. Click here to reach these resources.
Christian Science Organizations (CSOs) at Colleges
To connect with other Christian Scientists at college or learn about CSOs, click here. The Mother Church has a CSO support team that may be contacted regarding creating a CSO. Contact the CSO support team at
Printed Publications Online
The Christian Science Journal
The Christian Science Journal is a monthly periodical which has been published since 1883! It contains in-depth articles pertaining to the application of Christian Science when confronting life’s challenging situations and testimonies of the effectiveness of Christian Science treatment. The Journal also has lists of churches and societies, practitioners and teachers, nurses, visiting nursing services, nursing facilities, and Committee on Publication. The Journal has a free 30 trial period for persons who do not have subscriptions. To access the subscription page, click here. Subscribers can access the Journal to download, to read, and to listen to: click here.
Christian Science Sentinel
The Christian Science Sentinel is a weekly magazine that has been issued as far back as 1898! It contains articles and testimonies that illustrate the healing power of the Christ in everyday lives. Ordinarily, without a subscription a few written and audio articles are available. For a limited time, there is free access to the full issue of the Christian Science Sentinel magazine. It is available to download, to read, and to listen to: click here. Take advantage of the vast collection of articles clustered under 16 topics that are available. To view the topics and read and listen to articles, click here.
The Mary Baker Eddy Library
For information about Mary Baker Eddy, her achievements, and insights into the early Christian Science movement, there are articles, webcasts, and podcasts available at the Mary Baker Eddy Library website. Access it online: click here.
Longyear Museum
The Longyear Museum has exhibits about Mary Baker Eddy, documents, artifacts, artwork, and more pertaining to Mrs. Eddy and the early history of the Christian Science movement. The historical information available at this website provides insights into the early movement including its hardships and successes. There are written articles, webcasts, and podcasts available online: click here.