You will always be warmly welcomed at

Our Healing Services

145 Park Drive
Roseville, CA  95661

Meet our Dual


Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science, wanted her Church’s Pastor to be pure, constant, and powerful as God’s Word itself.  She ordained the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, as the Pastor over The Mother Church, — The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., — and all its branch churches around the world.  Thus, the Pastor is available to all at any time. Studying these books have brought comfort, guidance, and healing.

Sunday Service

Sunday Church Service:  10:00 – 11:00 AM

Sunday School:  10:00 – 11:00 AM

Childcare, including nursery care, is provided at all of our services.

All are welcome to our Sunday service and Sunday school held from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.  The service includes the reading of the Christian Science weekly Bible Lesson-Sermon which is made up of citations from the King James Version of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science.

The service also includes other scriptural selections, congregational singing, a vocal solo, silent prayer, and the audible praying of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation as found in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Two Readers elected from our membership conduct the Sunday services.  The Second Reader reads from the Bible, and the First Reader reads from the Christian Science textbook (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures) which interprets and explains the Bible passages.

The Christian Science weekly Bible Lesson, found in the Christian Science Quarterly and studied throughout the week by students of Christian Science, constitutes our Sunday sermon.  This lesson-sermon is repeated in Churches of Christ, Scientist, all over the globe.  The weekly lesson-sermons cover 26 topics repeated twice yearly.  These lessons have subjects such as “Love,” “Life,” “Truth,” “Christ Jesus,” “God the Preserver of Man,” “God the Only Cause and Creator,” and more.

The Christian Science Quarterly is published by the Christian Science Publishing Society in several formats.  The Quarterly printed in paper booklet format as either a Full-Text Edition or Citation Edition can be found at Christian Science Reading Rooms like ours.  That paper format or the electronic Digital Edition can be purchased online by clicking here.  You may also order a Quarterly by calling 1-800-877-MY-LESSON or (877) 695-3776.

Order of Sunday Service

  1. Hymn. (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings.)
  2. Reading a Scriptural Selection by First Reader.
  3. Silent Prayer.
  4. Lord’s Prayer by the congregation lead by the Second Reader alternating verses with its spiritual interpretation read by the First Reader.
  5. Hymn. (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings.)
  6. Reading of informational notices by the First Reader.
  7. Solo sung by soloist.
  8. Reading the Explanatory Note on first leaf of Quarterly by the First Reader.
  9. Announcing the subject of the Lesson-Sermon and reading the “Golden Text” from the Quarterly by the First Reader.
  10. Reading the “Responsive Reading,” also from the Quarterly, by the First Reader and alternately the Second Reader leading the congregation.
  11. Reading the Lesson-Sermon. (The Second Reader reads the Bible references of the first Section of the Lesson. Then the First Reader makes the following announcement: “As announced in the explanatory note, I shall now read correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.” The Reader alternate their readings until the conclusion of the Bible-Lesson.)
  12. Collection.
  13. Hymn. (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings. The congregation remains standing until the end of the Benediction.)
  14. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being and the correlative Scripture according to I John 3:1–3 by the Readers
  15. Pronouncing Benediction.

Wednesday Evening Testimony Meetings

Wednesday Testimony Meetings:  7:30 – 8:30 PM

Wednesday’s Zoom available:  7:20 – 8:35 PM

Be aware that the host may or may not mute you, so your conversation may be heard.  Because there is about a two second delay between live and Zoom, please make sure you are muted during hymns and prayer time.

To join the Zoom meeting with video, click here.

To join the audio only Zoom meeting, dial 1 (669) 900-9128.
When prompted, dial the Meeting ID:  835 2830 8479
When connected, press:  #.  There is no user ID.
To turn on and off mute function yourself, press:  * 6. (star 6)

Our Wednesday evening testimony meeting is held at 7:30 PM, and all are welcome.  This service includes selected readings by the Reader from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  Following the readings is an opportunity for individuals in the congregation to share testimonies of Christian Science healing or remarks on Christian Science.

Childcare is provided at all services.

Thanksgiving Day Service

Thanksgiving Day Service: 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Sunday School:  – None

Childcare is provided at all our services.

Everyone is welcome to our Thanksgiving Day service, including children.  There is no Sunday school held on Thanksgiving Day.

The service is unique in that it has a blended format of a Sunday Service and a Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting.  It includes the reading of scriptural readings First Reader and reading the Christian Science Bible-Lesson Sermon composed uniquely for Thanksgiving which is made up of citations from the King James Version of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  The service also includes congregational singing, a vocal solo, silent prayer, and the audible praying of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation as found in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  Testimonies by Christian Scientists, appropriate for Thanksgiving are welcomed.  There is no collection taken at this service.

Order of Service

  1. Hymn.  (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings.)
  2. Reading the Thanksgiving Proclamation of the President of the United States, or the Governor of the state, or both.
  3. Reading a Scriptural Selection.
  4. Silent Prayer.
  5. Lord’s Prayer by the congregation lead by the Second Reader alternating verses with its spiritual interpretation read by the First Reader.
  6. Hymn.  (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings.)
  7. Reading the Explanatory Note on the first leaf of the Quarterly.
  8. Announcing the subject of the Lesson-Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.
  9. Reading Responsive Reading by the First Reader and alternately the Second Reader leading the congregation.
  10. Reading the Thanksgiving Lesson-Sermon prepared by the Bible Lesson Committee.
  11. Solo.
  12. Testimonies by Christian Scientists, appropriate for the occasion.
  13. Hymn. (Congregation lead by a soloist, stands and sings. The congregation remains standing until the end of the Benediction.)
  14. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being and the correlative Scripture according to I John 3:1–3 by the Readers.
  15. Pronouncing Benediction.