You will always be warmly greeted in our

Reading Room

Open: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
from 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM

1730 Santa Clara Drive, #8
Roseville, CA  95661

(916) 773-0804

What is a Christian Science Reading Room?

For anyone who wants to understand more about Christian Science, a Reading Room is a great place to start. Here you can borrow, buy, or study the Holy Bible and the Christian Science textbook, (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures written by Mary Baker Eddy), the two books we study in our weekly Bible Lesson. There are also Christian Science magazines that include testimonies of healing, and books on Christian Science and its Discoverer, Mary Baker Eddy. Think of the Reading Room as a library and bookstore for spiritual thinkers. You can investigate its resources yourself, or the attendant will be happy to answer any questions. Feel free to call us if you are looking for something specific. New products can also be ordered by the staff. The Reading Room is not just a place for church members, but for anyone to explore what we have to offer.

What will you find in our

Reading Room?

Study and Read

Research, View, and Listen

Here can be found the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings of Mary Baker Eddy in English, Spanish and other languages, print and online editions of The Christian Science Journal, and Christian Science Sentinel. Study reference tools include:

Bible concordances, dictionaries, and commentaries
Concordances to Mary Baker Eddy’s books
Bible atlas
Guide to Bible stories
Children’s booklets on Bible stories
Biographies on Mary Baker Eddy
Books on Christian Science and The Mother Church

A computer is available with Concord (a computerized concordance to the King James Version of the Bible and all the writings of Mary Baker Eddy). Visitors may use Concord to quickly find and read (and print too!) any desired citation from the Bible or the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Visitors also have online access to view and listen to articles from the Journal, Sentinel, and the foreign language Herald, talks on various subjects, and testimonies of healing.

Borrow and Purchase

The Reading Room Lending Library has many of the core books on Christian Science available to lend to visitors. Please ask the attendant.

The Reading Room has a variety of books, booklets, musical recordings, and periodicals in stock for sale. An attendant can special order any product carried by the Christian Science Publishing Society for you if it is not in stock. Here are some stock items:

Bibles in English, Spanish and Russian
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Other books written by Mary Baker Eddy
Concordances to the Bible
Concordances to all of Mary Baker Eddy’s books
Books on Christian Science
Children’s books
Bible stories for various ages
Reading the Bible in a year
Reading Science and Health in a year
Reading Miscellaneous Writings in a year
Pamphlets on various subjects
The Christian Science Monitor Weekly magazine
The Christian Science Journal
Christian Science Sentinel
Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons
Bible Lesson/readings marking chalk and erasers
Bible Lesson metal markers

Spiritual Explorers Welcome

Almost everyone – at some time in their life – has felt that there is something more to life, a world of spirit waiting to be discovered. Many have found that world through Christian Science, which teaches that Spirit is a synonym for God and that God’s spiritual creation is right at hand.

Out of our love for all in our community who feel that pull to Spirit, our church has provided a Christian Science Reading Room in Roseville for almost a century. Think of the Reading Room as a love-embraced destination to take you further on your spiritual journey.

Occasionally, we have special events such as viewing The Mother Church’s Annual Meeting on our Reading Room’s computer. Such events are announced in our church. All are welcome to attend.