Words of Mary Baker Eddy
Here are the first sentences of the first four paragraphs from Mrs. Eddy’s textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (pp. vii: 1-2, 13 [only], 22-23, and vii: 27–4):
“To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.”
“The time for thinkers has come.”
“A book introduces new thoughts, but it cannot make them speedily understood.”
“Since the author’s discovery of the might of Truth in the treatment of disease as well as of sin, her system has been fully tested and has not been found wanting; but to reach the heights of Christian Science, man must live in obedience to its divine Principle.”
No one is beyond God’s love and healing power. Whether the problem seems to be physical, interpersonal relationships, financial, or mental peace, you can follow Christ Jesus’ teachings and using Christian Science, understand the spiritual laws he practiced and apply the laws to your situation.
Self-Study Aids
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
To read or listen to the textbook on healing, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, click here. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures can also be read, borrowed, or purchased at our Reading Room.
The Bible
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was Mrs. Eddy’s favorite Bible translation and all but a few Bible phrases quoted in Science and Health used the KJV. The KJV Bible is exclusively used in the Lesson-Sermon although the use of the KJV is not mandated in Christian Science church services. Additional Bible translations are occasionally used in the Golden Text and Responsive Reading since Mrs. Eddy’s time. To read the King James Version of the Bible online, click here.
Eleven different Bible translations were quoted in Mrs. Eddy’s writings and/or found in her library at the time of her passing. To read other translations of the Bible accessed from a non-Christian Science website, Sermon Central, click here. In the Bible selection box, click on Amplified Bible to see a list of other Bible translations that are available. Another website with various Bible translations is Bible Hub: to access it, click here.
If a Bible passage is unclear, it can be useful to compare the passage with other translations. To compare text of the King James Version side-by-side with other translations of the Bible, go to the Bible Organization website: click here.
Dictionary Believed Used by Mary Baker Eddy
It is believed Mrs. Eddy used Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language because she possessed two copies. To use this dictionary, click here.
Strong’s Concordance
Strong’s was one of the concordances used by Mrs. Eddy. Strong’s Concordance lists every word that is in the King James Version. With the online version of Strong’s, a search request of multiple words will bring up all verses that contain both of those words and not verses that contain only one word of the search request. Click here to access this tool.
Bible Commentaries
After using dictionaries and concordances, the use of commentaries may be helpful in providing a more accurate understanding of biblical texts in their historical or theological context. Commentaries explain in detail the books of the Bible, verse by verse. However, commentators are human authors offering their opinions of the message of the text, and that message is ultimately a decision for the reader.
Listed here are two exceptional commentaries available on the Biblia Plus website: Dummelow’s Commentary on the Bible and Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise). To access the Dummelow’s Commentary on the Bible, click here. To access Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise), click here.
Concord is a Christian Science Publishing Society internet word finding tool which searches for words and citations from the Bible, Mary Baker Eddy’s published writings, and the Christian Science hymnals. As a Concord subscriber (paying $7.50/month or $80/year), a person can organize and save lists of citations for research and study. A non-subscriber can use Concord for free but is not permitted to save any data after the use of the Concord program. To subscribe to Concord, click here. To use Concord as a guest here, click here.
Individual Care
Practitioners are men and women who commit their time to help others through Christian Science healing. They provide spiritual help that results in healing of problems no matter what they appear to be: physical, mental, interpersonal relationships, or financial. There is usually a fee and practitioners set their own fees, so inquire when talking with a practitioner. To find a practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal, click here.
Christian Science Private Duty Nurses
Christian Science Nurses are trained to provide physical care to people who are relying on Christian Science for healing. Private duty nurses may help with personal hygiene, bandaging wounds, meal preparation and eating, and reading aloud of CS related materials. There is a fee for this service; ask the nurse. For a listing of local, private duty Journal-listed nurses, click here.
Olive Glen Visiting Nursing Service
Olive Glen Visiting Nursing Service
Outpatient care nursing is available in the Sacramento, California, area through Olive Glen’s Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service for persons who are exclusively relying on Christian Science for healing, not taking medication, and working with a Journal-listed practitioner on the day of the nurse’s visit. The Olive Glen Visiting Nurse Service is normally available Monday through Friday between 7:30 to 3:30. Depending upon the service need, visits are 1 to 2 hours long. There is a fee for this service. For more information, click here.
National Fund for Christian Science Nursing
The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) is a benevolence fund that can assist Christian Science nursing patients in the United States and its territories. The fund can help in any situation where a Christian Science nurse is needed, including in-home care and facilities. NFCSN grants can help pay costs associated with Christian Science nursing facilities and Christian Science visiting nurse services, Christian Science private-duty nurses, nursing supplies and equipment, travel expenses, and related Christian Science practitioner invoices. While this may not pay for all costs associated with care, these grants can be an aid to those individuals who are seeking and finding healing through Christian Science. For more information, go to their website: click here.
Dominion Foundation
Another source of financial assistance with the cost of Christian Science private duty nursing care in the home is the Dominion Foundation. The processing of Dominion Foundation financial aid requests is 4 to 6 weeks. If assistance is needed sooner, applications for aid should be made to the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (described above). For more information, click here.
Care Facilities
Olive Glen
Olive Glen is a residential Christian Science nursing facility located in Sacramento. It offers communal meals or meals consumed in private, housekeeping and laundry service, and three levels of support: independent living, assisted living, and skilled Christian Science nursing in three buildings. An Olive Glen vehicle takes residents to church, shopping, and recreational excursions. Residents’ visitors are welcome. Each room has 24-hour in-room audio available, providing the reading of the weekly Bible Lesson and periodicals and the playing of hymns. For more information, click here.
Arden Wood
Arden Wood is a residential Christian Science nursing facility located in San Francisco. Arden Wood offers services similar to those at Olive Glen (described above) as well as multi-day “sheltered care” for those expected to return home in a few days, “rest and study” daytime and overnight stays for Christian Scientists. Daytime guests may purchase meals taken at the main dining room. The facility is one large, multi-story building (with elevators) study rooms and lounge areas. A Christian Science Practitioner is always on call. Twenty-four-hour advance notice of a visit is requested. For more information, click here.
Humanitarian Assistance
The Principle Foundation
The Principle Foundation offers grants to individual Christian Scientists who have a short-term financial need. Caring for Christian Scientists is an online and over-the-phone service that provides information, ideas, and resources which help meet the practical needs of Christian Scientists. The service is available in two formats: a website and a call center. Combined, they present a central source of ideas and resources for Christian Scientists. To visit The Principle Foundation website, click here.
The RiperYears organization is part of The Principle Foundation. RiperYears provides a wide variety of detailed information on housing, personal or household assistance, Christian Science nursing and care facilities, insurance, legal issues related to health care, and more. For example, if you are staying in your home, consider meals, transportation, household tasks, personal care, home repairs and modifications, and expenses. Information on resources that are specifically affiliated with Christian Science are made where possible, but other resources that are not affiliated with Christian Science, yet that might meet a practical need, are also provided. For more information, click here. Also the information is available via a telephone support center at (800) 930-3797.
Sacramento Joint Reading Room Committee
The Sacramento Joint Reading Room Committee (SJRRC) has a website that provides information on 6 Sacramento metropolitan area churches and links to the websites of those churches. To go to the SJRRC website, click here.
Government Relations and Media
Committee on Publication, U.S. Federal Office
The Committee on Publication, U.S. Federal Office, endeavors to work with federal legislative and executive branch offices to enable Americans who receive spiritual health care services furnished by Christian Science practitioners, Christian Science nurses, and Christian Science nursing facilities to participate in government financial assistance programs. For federal healthcare law information, click here. Also, information about Health Savings Accounts and internet links to Medicare and Medicare Advantage information are available by clicking here.
Committee on Publication, Northern California
The Committee on Publication for Northern California has California-specific legal mandates and works to correct misinformation about Christian Science in the media. To contact the Committee on Publication for Northern California, Eric Nelson, call: (650) 471-3014; email: california@compub.org; or write: PO Box 8016, Auburn CA 95604.

Social Media
A Facebook page is updated daily with inspiring messages, along with notice of major Christian Science-related events in the Sacramento region. To go to the Facebook site, click here. It is maintained by the Sacramento Joint Reading Room Committee.